Abstracts of Astronomical Publications

3rd Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts
The symposium will be held October 25-27, 1995 in Huntsville, Alabama.
Astronomy and Astrophysics: Abstract Service at CDS
Following an agreement with the Editors of Astronomy & Astrophysics, the CDS provides electronic access to the abstracts from the Astronomy and Astrophysics main Journal, and Supplement Series, approximately four weeks before publication.
A Peculiar Newsletter
Newsletter of the IAU Working Group on Ap and related Stars (IAU Commissions 25, 27, 29 and 45). Issued every 6 months.
Abstract searches - Cambridge, UK
ADASS-94 abstracts
WAIS index to the abstracts submitted to the conference `Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) '94', held at Baltimore, MD, 25 - 28 Sept 1994. Book editors: Dick Shaw, Harry Payne, Jeff Hayes
Astronomical Dep. of University Of Thessaloniki
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series ( A&AS )
A&AS is a European peer-reviewed journal publishing data papers, either observational or theoretical, as well as extensive data material forming the basis of papers with astrophysical results published in the Main Journal.
The electronic version can be accessed free of charge for 1996.
Astrophysical Journal Letters Citation Analysis ( ApJ Lett. )
The electronic edition of The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL) allows an easy statistical analysis of citations in the ApJL articles. This page (compiled by Dima Verner) provides citation statistics of the electronic ApJL starting from January 1996. The page is updated bimonthly.
Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service ( ADS Abstracts )
The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Abstract Service provides access to two sets of abstracts: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstract Service provides access to currently over 200,000 abstracts. The Instrumentation Abstract Service provides access to currently over 270,000 abstracts. Both datasets are searchable with a sophisticated searching system. The Astronomy dataset also includes object name searches through a connection to the SIMBAD database in France. More information about this service is available in the Abstract Service Help Pages .
Astrophysics Data System ( ADS )
The ADS is a free software aimed at the Astrophysics community. It is a distributed environment that provides access to a variety of astronomical data for the scientific user community. At present the main emphasis is on making data collected by NASA space missions available to astronomers. This is being expanded to include access to data from ground based observations. The ADS provides access to over 190 astronomical catalogs and approximately 125,000 astronomical abstracts. It also provides direct access to the HEASARC Browse tool, NSSDC's Online Data and Information Service (NODIS), the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), and access to SIMBAD (Set of Identifications, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical Data). The user is able to access all of this information via a simple-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI). Simply " point and click" to retrieve the information you need for proposals, research projects, or classroom assignments.
Cassini Mission to Saturn
Saturn and Titan will be the destination for the Cassini mission, a project under joint development by NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The U.S. portion of the mission is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
CEA abstracts and publications
WAIS index to the publications and abstracts of papers issued by the Center for EUV Astrophysics (CEA), Berkeley, CA.
ESO Preprints Database ( Bibliographic catalogue )
The catalogue of preprints available from the ESO Library includes entries from institutes world-wide.
ESO Publications
Includes access to ESO Messenger, ESO Scientific and Technical Reports (Preprints)
European Space Operations Centre ( ESA/ESOC )
ESOC is the satellite control centre of the European Space Agency (ESA). It is responsible for the operations of all satellites and related ground stations and communications network.
Magellanic Clouds Newsletter ( MCnews )
An bi-monthly electronic publication on Magellanic Clouds related research. The online content of the www page includes downloadable recent and back issues, news, and hyperlinks to other Magellanic Clouds related sites.
NASA ApJ abstracts
NASA RECON abstracts
WAIS index to the Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) for the years 1990 through 1992 and International Aerospace Abstracts (IAA) from the NASA RECON database for the years 1990 through 1992. There are over 200,000 abstracts containted in this database. International Aerospace Abstracts (IAA), published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. - Periodicals (including government-sponsered journals) and books. - Meeting papers and conference proceedings issued by professional societies and academic organizations. - Translations of journals and journal articles. Content includes worldwide publishe literature in the field of aeronautics and space science and technology. Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR). Significant publicationsof the following types are in this series: - NASA, NASA contractor, and NASA grantee reports - Reports issued by other government agencies, domestic and foreign institutions, universitites, and private firms. - Translations in report form. - NASA-owned patents and patent applications. - Dissertations and theses material emphasizing aeronautics, space, and supporting disciplines. (resource will be relocated to www.sti.nasa.gov)
WAIS index to abstracts from NASA's Selected Current Space Aeronautics (SCAN) abstract service
NASA Technical Report Server ( NTRS )
Single interface to databases maintained at: Ames Research Center - Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Division (NAS); Dryden Flight Research Center; ICASE - Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering; Langley Research Center; RECON database - abstracts only (NASA STI); SCAN -Selected Current Aerospace Notices - abstracts only (NASA STI); STELAR Project - abstracts only (Goddard Space Flight Center)
New Mexico State Univ Astronomy Preprints ( NMSU )
Newsletter for Galactic Center Research ( GCNEWS )
GCNEWS is a bi-monthly Newsletter dedicated to research dealing with the center of the Galaxy. The Newsletter contains abstracts to recently submitted papers with links to electronic preprints, a short invited article, and misc. announcements/conferences/job offer etc. In addition to the Newsletter a weekly Newsflash service distributes recently submitted article by emails. The electronic version of GCNEWS (HTML/PS) is available online, as are the most recently submitted abstracts and papers. On the web-page you will find the Galactic Center White Pages- a listing of people working in this field.
PASP Abstract Service at CDS
Following an agreement with the Editors of the PASP, the CDS provides electronic access to the abstracts from the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. These abstracts are made available a few weeks before publication of the corresponding issue.
PASP abstracts archive, STScI
Peter Tribble's Papers
Peter Tribble has converted some of his preprints into hypertext form. In addition, permission has been obtained to make his papers published in Monthly Notices available. (Note that the published papers are copyrighted and this is something of an experiment, so that some feedback would be appreciated.)
Princeton University - Astrophysics Library
Space Mechanics Group Home Page ( Space Mechanics Group - Pisa )
Space Mechanics Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, ITALY. This home page gives access to: People (personal home pages) Resarch projects (subject home pages) Publications lists Data bases: asteroid proper elements (ftp server) Announcements of meetings We belong to European Asteroid Research Node Related information - pointers to other groups A preprint facility is in preparation A practical information facility (how to reach us, etc.) is in preparation
Space Telescope Science Institute ( STScI )
STScI is responsible for the scientific operations of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). STScI is operated by Associated Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under contract to NASA.
Stanford Public Information REtrieval System ( SLAC-SPIRES )
A variety of SLAC's databases of interest to high-energy physics community is now made available via WWW, including: Preprints: HEP preprint database. Contains bibliographic summaries of more than 280,000 particle physics papers. Included are preprints, journal articles, technical reports, thesis, etc. Searchable by author, title, report number, institution, collaboration, and more. Find citations of your favorite author or article. View full postscript versions of selected preprints, read abstracts of bulletin-board papers. Need more help? Abstracts: Bulletin boards abstracts database. Useful in searching for recent physics bulletin board articles not yet covered by the HEP database. Find abstracts (and more!) of the articles posted today, yesterday, in the last seven days, week before that, or anytime.
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn
Observations mainly in the optical spectral range are used for galactic and extragalactic research. The Sternwarte operates the Observatorium Hoher List about 100 km from Bonn.
STScI-authored preprints (abstracts)
The AGB newsletter
The Hot Star Newsletter
A monthly electronic publication on hot luminous stars (Wolf-Rayet stars, LBV, Of and O stars) and related phenomena in galaxies. On-line resources include abstracts with hyperlinks to full text of preprints, a Wolf-Rayet catalogue and a Wolf-Rayet bibliography.
The Journal of Astronomical Data
The Journal of Astronomical Data accepts raw and reduced data from observations as well as from theoretical research, reduction software, complete descriptions of new instruments, PhD theses with extensive data tables, catalogues, graphs, computer code, and also lengthy articles, or regular articles accompanied by the data on which it is based.
Contributions describe in short the astrophysical background and motive for the scientific work done, a complete description of the data-collecting process, an assessment of the accuracy of the data, next to the data themselves.
All data are published on CD-ROM.
The Net Advance of Physics ( NetAdvPhys )
Online encyclopaedia of physics/astrophysics; includes most review papers in the Los Alamos preprint base catalogued by subject. Will someday hopefully be a complete subject-index to online physics and astrophysics literature.
University of California, Berkeley - Astronomy Department ( UCB-Astronomy )
The UCB Astronomy Home Page contains general information about the department. We maintain links for faculty, staff, post docs and students so that they may make papers, images, and other information available. Also included are an e-mail directory for the department, and links to related institutions.
University of California, Riverside - High Energy Astrophysics ( UCR )
Information on current research in High Energy Astrophysics being conducted at the University of California, Riverside.
University of Manchester - Astronomy Group
Available are contact details, research interests of the group members, preprints and publications, course details, a frequently updated collection of links to items of interest to astronomers and of course, a few pretty pictures.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Department of Astronomy: Preprints ( Star Formation and Theory Group Preprints )
Abstracts and full text preprints of accepted papers from the Star Formation and Theory groups at the University of Massachusetts Astronomy Program.
University of Victoria Astronomy
This is the Home Page of the Astronomy Group at the University of Victoria. It contains information on faculty, graduate students and research associates. Research activities and facilities are described. In addition, a selection of electronic preprints written by members of the Group is also available.
Vassar College - Department of Physics and Astronomy
Views Of The Solar System
Views of the Solar System has been created as an educational tour of the solar system. It contains images and information about the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and meteoroids found within the solar system. The image processing for many of the images was done by Calvin J. Hamilton.

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli spaoli@fcaglp.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar